Grids for the following CRM-HL configurations are available for Unstructured grid series 1 from Pointwise: 1-Config_CRM-HL_40-37_Nominal - nominal configuration (flaps at 40/37 deg) (levels A, B, C, and D) 1.1 – Tet 1.1.A – 70,566,761 cells, 11,943,631 nodes 1.1.B – 188,118,805 cells, 31,661,169 nodes 1.1.C – 543,606,909 cells, 91,112,667 nodes 1.1.D – 1,211,013,477 cells, 202,546,437 nodes 1.2 – Prism-Tet dominant 1.2.A – 29,116,814 cells, 11,943,153 nodes 1.2.B – 75,272,485 cells, 31,660,032 nodes 1.2.C – 212,992,899 cells, 91,112,700 nodes 1.2.D – 468,477,795 cells, 202,542,838 nodes 1.3 – Hex-Tet dominant 1.3.A – 21,868,681 cells, 12,332,217 nodes 1.3.B – 52,772,402 cells, 32,303,132 nodes 1.3.C – 141,518,040 cells, 91,981,488 nodes 1.3.D – 300,709,311 cells, 203,196,104 nodes Contact: Carolyn Woeber Disclaimer: The grids available for download may or may not be appropriate for your solver, and may or may not be of sufficient density and quality to yield accurate results. You must judge for yourself.