Grids for the following CRM-HL configurations are available for Structured Overset grid series 3 from NASA: 3-Config_CRM-HL_40-37_Nominal 3-Config_CRM-HL_37-34 3-Config_CRM-HL_43-40 NOTE THAT THESE GRIDS HAVE BEEN CREATED IN METERS, NOT INCHES. 3.A – 20M solution nodes (35M total nodes) 3.B – 65M solution nodes (113M total nodes) 3.C – 232M solution nodes (388M total nodes) 3.D – 550M solution nodes (953M total nodes) Contact: Jared Duensing Disclaimer: The grids available for download may or may not be appropriate for your solver, and may or may not be of sufficient density and quality to yield accurate results. You must judge for yourself.