These meshes were created with ANSA v21.1.0 All mesh dimensions (including the ones with the wind tunnel) are in inches for the full scale aircraft of length 2469 inches. Unstructured meshes with quad dominant surface mesh, hexa layers and hexa-dominant farfield. Available mesh formats: UGRID CFD++ OpenFOAM TAU (HDF5) StarCCM+ CGNS (Mixed HDF5) Fluent SU2 101 - Case1a y+ = 1 wall resolution for the three flap angles and with wake refinement up to 7 deg AoA Level C resolution: mesh size = 217-220 million cells, 172 million nodes 102 - Case1a Wall function y+ = 100 resolution for the three flap angles and with wake refinement up to 7 deg AoA Level C resolution: mesh size = 102-103 million cells, 68 million nodes 103 - Case2a y+ = 1 wall resolution for the nominal flap angle and with wake refinement up to 20 deg AoA Level A resolution: mesh size = 91 million cells, 68 million nodes Level B resolution: mesh size = 173 million cells, 138 million nodes Level C resolution: mesh size = 276 million cells, 218 million nodes Level D resolution: mesh size = 389 million cells, 323 million nodes Level E resolution: mesh size = 723 million cells, 629 million nodes 104 - Case2a Wall function y+ = 100 resolution for the nominal flap angle and with wake refinement up to 20 deg AoA Level C resolution: mesh size = 153 million cells, 110 million nodes 105T - Case2b - Currently available in CFD++, UGRID and OpenFOAM only y+ = 1 wall resolution for the nominal flap angle with the model inside the wind tunnel at 7 different AoA positions Level C resolution: mesh size = 278 million cells, 226 million nodes * Note: check the BCs and reset at tunnel inlet and outlet if appropriate 106T - Case2b - Currently available in CFD++, UGRID and OpenFOAM only Wall function y+ = 100 resolution for the nominal flap angle with the model inside the wind tunnel at 7 different AoA positions Level C resolution: mesh size = 168 million cells, 125 million nodes * Note: check the BCs and reset at tunnel inlet and outlet if appropriate Contact person: Vangelis Skaperdas ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: The grids available for download may or may not be appropriate for your solver, and may or may not be of sufficient density and quality to yield accurate results. You must judge for yourself.