The grids in this directory were created at Boeing - Huntington Beach. They are structured multi-zone overset grids (34 zones). There are 4 grid levels for configuration 1 (coarse, medium, fine, and extra-fine) and 1 grid level for configuration 8 (medium). As of 05-07-2010, a config 1 grid with brackets was added (medium). The grid sizes are as follows: Extra-fine: 281,560,012 gridpoints Fine: 83,302,438 gridpoints Medium: 24,965,818 gridpoints Coarse: 10,653,004 gridpoints Medium with brackets: 58,175,676 gridpoints Further details are provided within each subdirectory. This set of grids (v3) is an update from v1 and v2. The following is a summary of the changes. 1. Changes between v1 and v2: The medium grids of both Config 1 and Config 8 were changed between v1 and v2. The hole cut out of the wing_collar grid by the slat was modified. There was a small region of wing_collar grid points left inside the slat near the slat's trailing edge. These wing_collar grid points have been removed (i.e. assigned an iblank value of 0). This issue did not have a significant impact on the OVERFLOW solution. 2. Changes between v2 and v3: The extra-fine grid was changed between v2 and v3. The original extra-fine grid for Config 1 contained negative cell volumes in two zones (slat_collar and wing_tecap1). The location of the cells with negative volumes was near the Lmax (JKL) grid plane for both zones. Local smoothing was used to eliminate the negative volumes for this updated version of the extra-fine grid. As of 05-07-2010, a config 1 grid with brackets was added in v3. The Config 1 coarse and fine grids are identical between v1, v2, and v3. The old versions of the grids that have been altered are no longer available.