The grids in this directory were created at DLR. They are unstructured mixed element grids, created using Solar v14.1.3 and intended for node-centered flow solvers. The grids are made up of a mix of tetrahedra, prisms, pyramids, and hexes. There are 3 grid levels for configuration 1 (coarse, medium, and fine) and 1 grid level for configuration 8 (medium). Note that an "extra-fine" grid was NOT created for configuration 1. An additional (medium) grid was created for configuration 1 WITH BRACKETS INCLUDED. The grid sizes are as follows for Config 1: Fine: 110,745,950 nodes (141,308,342 elements) Medium: 36,967,871 nodes ( 48,500,228 elements) Coarse: 12,306,950 nodes ( 16,785,122 elements) For Config 1 with brackets: Medium: 39,705,152 nodes ( 51,991,152 elements) For Config 8: Medium: 37,062,155 nodes ( 48,568,767 elements) Some pictures are contained in the tarred gzipped file Pictures_DLR_Solar.tar.gz. Further details are provided within each subdirectory.