The grids in this directory were created at NASA Langley. They are unstructured tetrahedral grids, designed for cell-centered CFD codes. There are 3 grid levels for configuration 1 (coarse, medium, and fine) and 1 grid level for configuration 8 (medium). Note that an "extra-fine" grid has not been created yet for configuration 1... it is being worked on, but there are no guarantees... check back regularly for updates. The grid sizes are as follows for Config 1: Fine: 10,677,390 nodes (62,644,381 tetrahedra) Medium: 3,708,951 nodes (21,743,354 tetrahedra) Coarse: 1,235,730 nodes ( 7,237,190 tetrahedra) For Config 8: Medium: 3,706,433 nodes (21,730,668 tetrahedra) Further details are provided within each subdirectory.