The grids in this directory were created at University of Wyoming. They are unstructured tetrahedral grids, designed for node-centered CFD codes. There are 3 grid levels for configuration 1 (coarse, medium, and fine) and 1 grid level for configuration 8 (medium). Note that an "extra-fine" grid was NOT created for configuration 1. The grid sizes are as follows for Config 1: Fine: 32,297,530 nodes (189,895,740 tetrahedra) Medium: 10,957,783 nodes ( 64,441,259 tetrahedra) Coarse: 3,652,657 nodes ( 21,492,137 tetrahedra) For Config 8: Medium: 11,524,779 nodes ( 67,783,972 tetrahedra) Further details are provided within each subdirectory.