The grids in this directory were created at RUAG and CFS Engineering, using ICEMCFD HEXA. They are structured multi-zone one-to-one grids (439 zones). There are 3 grid levels for configuration 1 (coarse, medium, and fine) and 1 grid level for configuration 8 (medium). Note that an "extra-fine" grid was NOT created for configuration 1. The coarse grid was made from the fine grid by taking every second point. The medium and fine grids allow 2 multi grid levels. The grid sizes are as follows: Fine: 47,905,632 cells Medium: 19,956,112 cells Coarse: 5,988,204 cells NOTE: This set of grids was NOT independently tested. Please let the committee (as well as the grid creator) know if you encounter any problems. Contact persons: Alain Gehri ( Jan Vos (