The grids in this directory were created at IISc (India). They are unstructured mixed element grids, created using GAMBIT and TGRID. The grids generated are of Unstructured Mixed element type, suitable for Cell-Centered Solver. For Config 1, Coarse, Medium, and Fine grid levels were generated. For Config 8, only a Fine grid level was generated. A Medium grid level was not generated for Config 8. An Extra fine grid level was not generated for Config1. Grids were not generated for the model with brackets. Config-1 i) Coarse: Number of Nodes: 3,088,347 Number of Cells: 7,695,034 ii) Medium: Number of Nodes: 8,188,411 Number of Cells: 21,903,245 ii) Fine: Number of Nodes: 22,419,724 Number of Cells: 63,305,904 Config-8 i) Medium: Number of Nodes: 23,545,175 Number of Cells: 62,848,368 Additional details related to each grid level are also provided under the corresponding sub-directory. NOTE: This set of grids was NOT independently tested. Please let the committee (as well as the grid creator) know if you encounter any problems. Contact person: Prof. N. Balakrishnan