The grids in this directory were created at JAXA/APG. They are unstructured mixed element grids, created using TAS_Mesh and intended for node-centered flow solvers. The grids are made up of a mix of tetrahedra, prisms, pyramids. There are 3 grid levels for configuration 1 (coarse, medium, fine) and 1 grid level for configuration 8 (medium). Note that an "extra-fine" grid was NOT created for configuration 1. An additional (medium) grid was created for configuration 1 WITH BRACKETS INCLUDED. These grids are different from v1 and v2 primarily in that they have more grid resolution on the blunt trailing edges. Also, for v3 the x-y-z coordinates of some node points were shifted, because the old grids had some invalid crossing cells (overlapping faces) on the edge of tolerance levels due to the skewness of elements. Finally, in v3 the node ordering was corrected in the fvuns files. The grid sizes are as follows: Config 1: Fine: 71,641,670 nodes, 202,832,419 elements (91,367,752 Tetrahedra, 110,684,080 Prisms, 780,587 Pyramids) Medium: 28,069,727 nodes, 80,684,969 elements (37,961,689 Tetrahedra, 42,361,938 Prisms, 361,342 Pyramids) Coarse: 12,081,224 nodes, 34,723,412 elements (16,535,898 Tetrahedra, 18,048,462 Prisms, 139,052 Pyramids) Config 1 with brackets: Medium: 32,466,447 nodes, 93,694,135 elements (44,449,561 Tetrahedra, 48,825,242 Prisms, 419,332 Pyramids) Config 8: Medium: 27,737,756 nodes, 79,262,411 elements (36,810,267 Tetrahedra, 42,095,453 Prisms, 356,691 Pyramids) Further details are provided within each subdirectory. NOTE: This set of grids was NOT independently tested. Please let the committee (as well as the grid creator) know if you encounter any problems. Contact person: Mitsuhiro Murayama