HL-CRM model (full gap case, for workshop test case 1a) Hex-Prism-Pyr-Tet Grids created with Pointwise Coarse: nnodesg,nelem= 8302012 18011980 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 5526101 945986 1536060 10003833 nqface,ntface= 252722 56908 Medium: nnodesg,nelem= 26993251 47557044 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 19582677 5406136 3901652 18666579 nqface,ntface= 590448 169042 Fine: nnodesg,nelem= 70749497 118774267 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 55136012 10254360 6550932 46832963 nqface,ntface= 1063520 218426 X-Fine: nnodesg,nelem= 207911270 397082470 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 156702431 24390029 12949355 203040655 nqface,ntface= 2116866 361098 Two formats available: AFLR3 CGNS The original Pointwise PW files (Version 18.0) are also provided in the directory PW_files NOTE: the author's original naming of the actual grids has been retained. However, please note that these grids are globally referred to as: "B3-HLCRM_UnstrHexPrismPyrTet_PW" for the purpose of the workshop. Some additional information can be found in the file: ../PW_generalinfo.txt Contact: Carolyn Woeber carolyn.woeber@pointwise.com