HL-CRM model grids for both Full Chord Flap Gap (Workshop Case 1a) Partially-Sealed Chord Flap Gap (Workshop Case 1c) Hex-Prism-Pyr-Tet Grids created with Pointwise Grids with "essentially" the same points, but merged into different element types, can be found in: ../B1-HLCRM_UnstrTet_PW and ../B2-HLCRM_UnstrPrismTet_PW Full Chord Flap Gap has C, M, F, and XF grids Coarse: 8,302,012 nodes; 18,011,980 cells Medium: 26,993,251 nodes; 47,557,044 cells Fine: 70,749,497 nodes; 118,774,267 cells X-Fine: 207,911,270 nodes; 397,082,470 cells Partially-Sealed Chord Flap Gap has M grid only Medium: 26,642,796 nodes; 46,963,870 cells NOTE: the author's original naming of the actual grids has been retained. However, please note that these grids are globally referred to as: "B3-HLCRM_UnstrHexPrismPyrTet_PW" for the purpose of the workshop. Some additional information can be found in the file: PW_generalinfo.txt Contact: Carolyn Woeber carolyn.woeber@pointwise.com