HL-CRM model (full gap case, for workshop test case 1a) Hex-Prism-Pyr-Tet Grids created with Pointwise Coarse: nnodesg,nelem= 5006113 7852131 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 4047229 295438 832472 2676992 nqface,ntface= 170942 10316 Medium: nnodesg,nelem= 11288583 18549413 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 9075156 817362 1365526 7291369 nqface,ntface= 272330 16056 Formats available: .hdf CGNS in HDF5 format .cgns CGNS in ADF format .ugrid UGRID (includes mapbc file) (other formats can be provided if needed) NOTE: These meshes have been generated with Pointwise 18.0 using quad-dominant mesh surfaces and T-Rex functionality. This results in grid with mixed elements (hexa,prism,pyra and tetra). Contact: Thomas RENAUD thomas.renaud@onera.fr