HL-CRM model grids for both Full Chord Flap Gap (Workshop Case 1b) Partially-Sealed Chord Flap Gap (Workshop Case 1d) Unstructured HexaHedra Grids created with Cflow Full Chord Flap Gap has Coarse, Medium and Fine grids Coarse: 59,906,641 cells (008-hlcrm-coarse-fullgap.cgns) Medium: 179,249,893 cells (008-hlcrm-medium-fullgap.cgns) Fine: 461,629,055 cells (008-hlcrm-fine-fullgap.cgns) Partially-Sealed Chord Flap Gap has Medium grid only Medium: 177,696,528 cells (008-hlcrm-medium-sealed.cgns) Contact: Hidemasa Yasuda yasuda_hidemasa@khi.co.jp