All "Special_Grids" and "Participant_Grids" files provided as is. Contact grid developer if you have issues or problems. AFLR3 type .b8.ugrid = AFLR3 file (unformatted, big-endian, contains no record marks (ACCESS="STREAM") (C Binary double file format with big endian ordering) write(2) nnodesg, ntface, nqface, ntet, npyr, nprz, nhex write(2) (x(i),y(i),z(i),i=1,nnodesg), & ((if2nt(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,ntface), & ((if2nq(j,i),j=1,4),i=1,nqface), & (ifacetag(i),i=1,ntface+nqface), & ((ic2nt(j,i),j=1,4),i=1,ntet), & ((ic2np(j,i),j=1,5),i=1,npyr), & ((ic2nz(j,i),j=1,6),i=1,nprz), & ((ic2nh(j,i),j=1,8),i=1,nhex) (see: nnodesg = number of nodes ntface = number of boundary triangles nqface = number of boundary quads ntet = number of volume TETRA_4 elements npyr = number of volume PYRA_5 elements nprz = number of volume PENTA_6 elements nhex = number of volume HEXA_8 elements x,y,z = grid coordinates if2nt = face-to-node pointers for boundary triangles if2nq = face-to-node pointers for boundary quads ifacetag = surface ID number for each boundary face (1, 2,... , number of BCs) ic2nt = cell-to-node pointers for TETRA_4 elements ic2np = cell-to-node pointers for PYRA_5 elements ic2nz = cell-to-node pointers for PENTA_6 elements ic2nh = cell-to-node pointers for HEXA_8 elements .mapbc = BC file describing the boundary condition for each surface ID (in this file we are using: 6662=y-symmetry, 5000=farfield, 4000=body)