Specialized high-order grids are available here for the HL-CRM (full gap only) Pointwise used to make the linear meshes. Then some command-line tools (under development) used to smooth and curve. Grids here are mixed-element versions of the original tet grids, which can be found in: ../b1-HLCRM_UnstrTetHighorder_PW P1 Grids: Extra Tiny: 933,440 nodes; 2,265,022 cells Tiny: 2,016,118 nodes; 4,870,427 cells Coarse: 5,591,371 nodes; 12,985,896 cells Medium: 16,654,483 nodes; 37,620,236 cells P2 Grids: Extra Tiny: 7,344,288 nodes; 2,265,022 cells Tiny: 15,934,343 nodes; 4,870,427 cells Coarse: 44,346,371 nodes; 12,985,896 cells Medium: 132,395,472 nodes; 37,620,236 cells P3 Grids: Extra Tiny: 24,646,827 nodes; 2,265,022 cells Tiny: 53,549,317 nodes; 4,870,427 cells Coarse: 149,230,529 nodes; 12,985,896 cells NOTE: the author's original naming of the actual grids has been retained. However, please note that these grids are globally referred to as: "b2-HLCRM_UnstrPrismTetHighorder_PW" for the purpose of the workshop. Contact: Steve Karman skarman@pointwise.com