High Lift Prediction Workshop 3 JAXA Standard Model Case 2C - Nacelle/Pylon ON nnodesg,nelem= 21165430 65085456 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 0 29592910 285345 35207201 nqface,ntface= 23333 1249258 These are grids merged from ../../C1-JSM_UnstrTet_VGRID/JSM_with_nacellepylon_tet (see that directory for more details about the original tet grids) Two formats available: AFLR3 CGNS NOTE: the author's original naming of the actual grids has been retained. However, please note that these grids are globally referred to as: "C2-JSM_UnstrMixed_VGRID" for the purpose of the workshop. Contact: Mike Long mikelong1971@gmail.com Creigh McNeil cym@eomare.com (merging process performed by E. Lee-Rausch)