Medium-level grids (as interpreted by the grid author(s)) for JSM, one without nacelle/pylon, and one with nacelle/pylon. The grids here are almost the same node points as the all-tet grids in ../C1-JSM_UnstrTet_VGRID/ (created by VGRID software) However, these are now mixed-element grids, since the tets have been merged into prisms in the boundary layer (this process also results in a small number of pyramid types as well). Case 2a: 16,487,975 cells; 51,562,258 cells Case 2c: 21,165,430 cells; 65,085,456 cells NOTE: the author's original naming of the actual grids has been retained. However, please note that these grids are globally referred to as: "C2-JSM_UnstrMixed_VGRID" for the purpose of the workshop. Contact: Mike Long Creigh McNeil (merging process performed by E. Lee-Rausch)