This grid has been posted both as V1 and as V2. (The reason for V2 is that the original JSM (optional) fine grids were found to have some collapsed edges. Some codes cannot handle this. The grids were re-done, and in the process the medium grids were re-done as well (even though they did not have collapsed edges, the fixing did improve the mesh quality in some areas.) There has been a slight change in number of gridpoints between V1 and V2. JSM without nacelle/pylon Mixed element grid (ANSA) V2: nnodesg,nelem= 51941548 107460095 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 13926201 65562511 359835 27611548 nqface,ntface= 322984 1363904 V1: nnodesg,nelem= 52697852 108519653 nhex,nprz,npyr,ntet: 14646898 65466705 380361 28025689 nqface,ntface= 337836 1363218 Three formats available: AFLR3 CGNS OpenFOAM Refer to ../ANSA_HLW3_JSM_v2.pdf for details about the grids. NOTE: the author's original naming of the actual grids has been retained. However, please note that these grids are globally referred to as: "E-JSM_UnstrMixed_ANSA" for the purpose of the workshop. NOTE: the grid authors have also provided "bonus" FINE grids. These are for optional use only. (See the directory FINE_grids_optional) Contact: Neil Ashton