High Lift Prediction Workshop 3 (HiLiftPW-3) PID: 020 (AUBURN UNIVERSITY) Case2a: JAXA JSM NACELLE/PYLON OFF Configuration GRIDS: CGNS MEDIUM: CGNS GRID (filename = 020_JSM_NACELLE_OFF_MEDIUM_MULTI_ELEMENTS.cgns) CAE Entity Count no of nodes 43,989,123 HexElements 33,600,484 PrismElements 3,959,730 PyramidElements 5,965,338 QuadElements 978,578 TetElements 35,667,103 TriElements 209,774 Total 80,381,007 Unstructured 3D Zones 1 Case2c: JAXA JSM NACELLE/PYLON ON Configuration GRIDS: CGNS MEDIUM: CGNS GRID (filename = 020_JSM_NACELLE_ON_MEDIUM_MULTI_ELEMENTS.cgns) CAE Entity Count No of Nodes 54,097,064 HexElements 42,367,255 PrismElements 4,735,191 PyramidElements 7,581,223 QuadElements 1,205,944 TetElements 37,495,618 TriElements 227,316 Total 93,612,547 Unstructured 3D Zones 1 Additional info: Check filename.mapbc for boundary condition for each surface ID. The grids are generated using Pointwise. The Pointwise restart files are included with the CGNS grids (filename.pw). Contact: D. stephen Nichols stephen.nichols@auburn.edu Nirajan Adhikari nirajan@auburn.edu