Participant_Entries_Aug2017_v3.pdf - spreadsheet summarizes participants and what they did CpCfData_crm.tar.gz - tarred gzipped file with participant Cp and Cf data for HL-CRM case (116M) CpCfData_jsm.tar.gz - tarred gzipped file with participant Cp and Cf data for JSM case (281M) ForceMomentData_crm.tar.gz - tarred gzipped file with participant force and moment data for HL-CRM case ForceMomentData_jsm.tar.gz - tarred gzipped file with participant force and moment data for JSM case Disclaimer: The results available for download consist of the Tecplot-readable Data Submittal Forms submitted by the workshop participants. Accuracy and adequate iterative convergence are not guaranteed. Some forms are complete and some are not, and the ordering within the files may vary. Therefore, all results should be viewed as workshop-type trial solutions, for the purpose of advancing the shared understanding of the high-lift community, and not as final production-type solutions.