OVERFLOW grids and solutions; see AIAA-2020-1304 Grids_JF_F6horn_STR_FreeAir - grids in free air (i.e., no tunnel walls) Grids_JF_F6horn_STR_Tunnel - grids in 14x22 tunnel Solutions_JF_F6horn_STR - sample CFD solutions in both free air and in 14x22 tunnel (multiple turbulence models) Solutions_JF_F6horn_STR_SARCQCR2020 - sample CFD solutions in free air using SA-RC-QCR2020 (see AIAA-2021-1427) Disclaimer: The CFD grids available for download may or may not be appropriate for your solver, and may or may not be of sufficient density and quality to yield accurate results. You must judge for yourself. Any CFD solutions available for download are provided to help researchers gauge their own results; there is no guarantee regarding accuracy or quality.